Do you think advertisers have a
moral duty to avoid using stereotypes?
Stereotypes In my opinion are generalisations of large
groups, usually, they are distinct characterisations that have been made in the past,
but have carried on into modern society. The majority of stereotypes are offensive to people, usually connecting with age or culture. However, the
majority of popular advertisements use stereotypes which come sometimes
come off as offensive, so why are they doing it?
I believe the most valid argument to why they are using
stereotypes is to connect with an audience. A large number of
advertisements only have a few seconds to sell a product so if mention a
stereotype they safe valuable time, which is money. Stereotypes are easy to
connect with if we have experienced them or heard of them from the past,
if specific products are aimed toward a specific audience, instead of saying
directly who it’s for they indirectly tell it, using a stereotype.
Furthermore, do the advertisers have a moral duty to avoid
using stereotypes? In my opinion they do have a moral duty to avoid using
stereotypes, however there end product is to sell a good to consumers, if using
a stereotype easily identifies an audience quickly then they shall do what
is best for the company, not there moral duty.
Lastly coming back to whether advertisements can be offensive, I believe there is a boundary to the use of a stereotype . In a lot of modern advertisements, advertisers use
stereotypes very indirectly, if the stereotype is easily identifiable by a
majority of people, then the overall concept of implying it is not met due
to the fact they are being extremely offensive.