RS: G’day Mr Jackson.
MJ: Please, call me Michael.
RS: Ok Michael, so Michael since you are a core believer in anti-racism, did this affect your decision to change your skin colour?
MJ: Well you see, My belief in Anti-Racism had no impact what so ever in why I changed, I have a skin condition which affects less than 1% of the world population, it is called vitiligo. This disease impacts me because I starts changing my skin color, I believed that instead of going through different fazes I would change entirely, and since I am such a strong believer in anti racism I did not care what color my skin was.
RS: Wow that’s great to know, Secondly where do you gain your writing material, would it be from experiences or just you core thoughts.
MJ:I was lucky enough to grow up in a friendly safe environment, with parents always trying to give me good opportunities. Which meant at a young age I was not exposed to violence, but now as I look around the world people are not as close as they should be, we are one nation, all the same, issues like poverty and racism are just not getting enough recognition so I express these issues through a different method rather than news or televisions. In our time people listen to music and I am privileged enough to be in this position so I like to use it to spread issues.
RS: Great to hear. Regarding your health, people talk about if it is life threatening? Is it?
MJ: Well, Of course anything this big could be life threatening but I have one of the best doctors in the business who I see at least twice a week, so I feel I am in safe hands.
RS: That’s assuring, secondly you don’t use strong words when writing why is this?
MJ: Well I feel that you can express issues through song without using strong language, I want all ages to experience my art and feel there is a boundaries is stronger language is used.
RS: What Issues do you feel affect you the most?
MJ: I think that all the issues are equal, they all hold a big part of society. Racism and poverty are ones that I feel need to be done with first, Racism because everyone is the same and poverty because I feel we should all experience life the same
RS: thank you Michael Jackson.
MJ: No problem
MJ=Micheal jackson